Office Hours

We Are Now Accepting New Patients!

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Regular Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30

Patients must have an appointment to receive care.

Current patients will be able to schedule appointments through the Patient Portal.

After Hours

If you believe your child needs to be seen immediately, we recommend your child be seen at a pediatric urgent care (like PM Pediatrics) or a pediatric emergency room (like WakeMed Pediatric Emergency Department). Try to avoid visits with urgent cares or hospitals that don’t have pediatricians.

Use the portal to schedule appointments or send a question that we can answer the next day: a medication refill or asking if an issue needs a visit.

In a few situations, a question needs to be answered immediately. Please don’t hesitate to call! The office line goes directly to Dr Beavers on evenings and weekends.

Weekend Care

If you feel your child needs to be seen before the next business day, look for a pediatric urgent care or emergency room. Feel free to call or text the office line if you would like guidance from Dr Beavers in making this decision.

Some simple visits may be scheduled for weekends, such as check-ups for newborns. These can only be scheduled by Dr Beavers.

No Show and Cancellation Fees

Cancellation Fee-$25
This charge applies if an appointment is canceled less than 2 business days prior to the visit.

No Show Fee-$50
This fee applies if a patient is not in the office within 20 minutes of their appointment time and has not called.